Streetwear Fashion Photographer

Josh, a streetwear fashion photographer, recently completed his ambitious project “Grail” spotlighting independent UK streetwear brands like Solitaire London, PINNA, Darani, One2Many,  and Apologetic Letters - a streetwear brand based in Indianapolis. He compiled all of the work into a self-made magazine that features interviews with the brands, photographs of the clothing, and editorial edits to create visually exciting images, all based around the world of streetwear.

His ability to forge meaningful connections with models allows him to capture candid moments with authenticity and depth. By delving beyond the surface, he uncovers the raw essence of urban life, translating it into captivating imagery. Employing obscure angles and fisheye lenses, Josh transcends the ordinary, infusing his photographs with a distinctive flair inviting observers to explore the intricacies of human interaction and urban landscapes from a fresh perspective. These unconventional techniques aren’t mere gimmicks; they’re tools that enable him to break free from the constraints of traditional composition. With a keen eye for the unexpected, he transforms mundane scenes into dynamic narratives.
